Villa Tugendhat, Brno - Mvsevm


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Villa Tugendhat, Brno

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Villa Tugendhat
Brno, Czech Republic

Our project - Villa Tugendhat. Detail of the "Villa Tugendhat" in Brno, Czech Republic, designed by Mies Van Der Rohe in 1929. In 1995 the villa was made a national monument and used as a museum. Mvsevm was chosen by the Czech Republic to furnish it with reproductions of the original furniture, thanks to the care and professionalism that it was always shown in the reproduction of masterpieces of industrial design. Supporto per screen reader attivato. Detail of the "Villa Tugendhat" in Brno, Czech Republic, designed by Mies Van Der Rohe in 1929. In 1995 the villa was made a national monument and used as a museum. Mvsevm was chosen by the Czech Republic to furnish it with reproductions of the original furniture, thanks to the care and professionalism that it was always shown in the reproduction of masterpieces of industrial design. Attiva il supporto per lo screen reader
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